
「悪い金利の上昇」と日経225の関係について/We compare between “A bad rise in Japanese interest rates” and Nikkei225.







Retar.jp reported “A bad rise in Japanese interest rates” at 11/26/2011.

There are some requests to understand “A bad rise in Japanese interest rates”, so we compare the Japanese government bond ten-year interest rates, NIKKEI 225 and Nikkei News paper article.

We used Nikkei telcon21 and "A bad interests rise" searched on a data basis in a keyword.

After that we read all article and omitted "An analyst’s view", "Term description" and "Foreign interest rates".

We focus on "The market environment is looking out for a sharply rise of bad interest rates or already has started."

The following are the relation between the daily chart of each period, 10-year bond interest rates, and Nikkei225.


2011/11/26 「悪い金利上昇」を警戒、債券市場、流動性確保で益出しも

2011/11/25 長期金利急伸、一時1.025%


11/26/2011 Market watch on “A bad rise in Japanese interest rates” and the interest market participants take profit to get money.

11/25/2011 Japanese interests rate sharply rice.

The article says “The market participants watch on “A bad rise in Japanese interest rates.””

And “A bad interests rise" is in direct.


2009/11/10 長期金利、一段と上昇、1.475%、4ヶ月半ぶり高水準、「膨張型予算」に不安。

2009/10/27 長期金利1.4%に迫る、財政運営への不安、景気改善に期待感、上昇圧力根強く。

2009/10/18 日米欧、財政悪化の試練 大規模な国債増発、債券市場も警戒根強く。



11/10/2009 Japanese long-term interest rate is more rallies in four-month and half for the first time in high level. And we fear budget expanding.

10/27/2009 Japanese long-term interest rate is close to 1.4%. There is “Uneasiness to fiscal management” and “Expecting to uptick”; rising pressure is deep-rooted.

18/10/2009 This is the trial of financial aggravation in Japan, the United States and Europe. And the market is watching on large-scale government bonds publication.

The article says “The market fears bad interests rise.” (10/18/2009)

This article point is not “Watching” but “Fear”.



2009/06/08 長期金利上昇、日銀の判断は?

2009/05/29 金利目先は上昇圧力、長期、半年ぶり1.5%、国債増発が要因に。

2009/04/24 景気対策で国債追加発行 貯蓄細り金利上昇懸念



06/08/2009 How does BOJ think “interest rising”?

05/29/2009 There is raising pressure. It is 1.5% after an interval of a half year because of the extra publishing of a national bond.

04/24/2009 The government published additional bond. And the market fear the interests rise because of decreasing of the saving.

The article says “The market fears the interest rising.” (04/24/2009)

And the point is “Fear”.



2008/5/29 10年国債入札、インフレなど懸念 不調なら金利再上昇も


05/29/2008 Bid of the ten years national bond; market fear inflation. If a bid is out of condition, interest may rise again.

This article says “Bad interests rise may reveal”.







“A bad rise in Japanese interest rates” appears suddenly on newspaper.

And the rally Nikkei225 market freshness date is often short.

The conclusion, we do not know the first action of the interests rising is whether good or bad.

But we need to watch the newspaper keyword “A bad rise in Japanese interest rates” in order to take the key of the Nikkei225 rally market.



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