
日経平均日足・衆院解散の影響を比較 その7・1990/2/19の夕刊は傑作! 聞いたことがあるような・・・/NIKKEI 225 daily; Comparing the impact of dissolution of the House of Representatives Part 7; The newspaper in 2/19/1990 was a masterpiece; we see and know it! /日经225。比较众议院解散的影响。第7部。在1990年2月19日的报纸是杰作。我们看到和知道的吧!


日経平均日足・衆院解散の影響を比較 その7・1990/2/19の夕刊は傑作! 聞いたことがあるような・・・

NIKKEI 225 daily; Comparing the impact of dissolution of the House of Representatives Part 7; The newspaper in 2/19/1990 was a masterpiece; we see and know it!





Today’s analyze is NIKKEI 225 daily.

We think the best method to face the market is pursuing the technical method and find out the similarity of fundamental occasions.



翌日(1990/02/19)の 北海道新聞夕刊はとても面白いので紹介したいと思います。

The House of Representatives election was held in 2/18/1990.

And next day’s “Hokkaido Shinbun” evening edition was very interesting.




The Tokyo Stock Exchange in the morning 2/19/1990 responds to momentum of the Liberal Democratic Party stable majority securement in the election, and started rally, but the bond market declined in the price big after that, it could be pulled for 37,242 yen and 42 sen at 217 yen and 90 sen less compared with the last week end. Yields were about two hundred million stocks and dullness.

A market on this day “interwove the majority securement of LDP already” at the last week end, the point of view was strengthened, but because LDP had secured a seat beyond expectation… <omit the last part>


2014/12/12のレポートでは「日経平均日足・衆院解散の影響を比較 その6・解散後の相場はバブル崩壊の1990年相場と似る」と報告しています。


We reported “NIKKEI 225 daily; Comparing the impact of dissolution of the House of Representatives Part 6; now is very similar to 1990’s market, Oh! It was corrupted year!” in 12/12/2014.

Do you feel something?


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