ドル円週足P&F・全期間を分析した結果シナリオ組立直し・111円超えまで戻さないと「円高再び」か?/USDJPY Weekly P&F; Analyzing all time, we need to re-build our view; cannot recover to 111yen over, Yen will be stronger again? /美元/日元。P&F分析。分析全时间,我们需要重新我们的观点。如果不能恢复至111日元,就日元将再次强大。

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USDJPY Weekly P&F; Analyzing all time, we need to re-build our view; cannot recover to 111yen over, Yen will be stronger again?







Today, we analyze USDJPY weekly.

We verify the price moving after 1971 and re-build our scenario.

We do not know recovery will start sooner or re-fall.

But we can only know if the price will not recover 111yen over, Yen will be strongest again.






1. 下落相場の基点は117円を切って越週となります。

2. 再び120円台に戻っても上値が重くなります。この辺から売り始められれば、相当なBIG DEALになります。

3. 再下落して117円をレジスタンスに売りが継続。

4. 108円を1-2円切った(その時は45度線がせりあがっているので、もう少し上ですが)ところで、5円ぐらい戻す。過去の相場も参照

5. そこから、さらに下落して、90円台に突入

We reported under these in 12/27/2015.

The close price is 120yen over and the first resistance point is far from now.

But if the long term bull trend has already ended, the market price will challenge the major support (45 degree) and this will be a big deal.

So we make a scenario.

1. The start of falling will be cutting 117yen in weekend close price.

2. The price may go over 120 yen over again but rally will be difficult. If you can sell from this point around this will be a big deal.

3. The price will re-fall and 117yen around will work as resistance.

4. The price will reach from 107yen to 106yen (this price zone will be higher because the 45 degree support will more upper side) but the price will pull back about 5 yen upper side.

5. The price will re-fall and will reach 90yen level.




1. サブサポートからいきなり戻すパターン・・・4回

2. サブサポートより下げてサブサポートを超えていくパターン・・・6回

3. サブサポートより下げてサブサポートを超えられないパターン(☆地点)・・・2回







After 1971, we find out similar conditions draw major supports (Red) and sub supports (Blue) on the chart.

We can know 3 types of character.

1. The price recover from sub support. (4 times)

2. The price went over the sub support and cut the sub support. (6 times)

3. The price cannot go over the sub support. (Twice)

Pattern two was most appearing.

And Pattern three is most notable pattern and these were big falls.

Applying to the latest market, if the weekend close price will not go 111 yen over, this occasion will become a start of big fall.

The next target is 93 yen. (See 03/20/2016 report)

And we need to remind if this market will be a sharp recover and will go over 125 yen, this will become the catapult formation but there were no cases in past market.

In any way, we need to know a big fall or jump will come.




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