TOPIX日足・865-825ポイントからのブレーク待ち/TOPIX (Tokyo stock Price Index) Daily. Now, we are waiting for breaking from the steadiness at 865-825point.

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Today’s analyze is TOPIX (Tokyo stock Price Index) daily.




そのうち図中の”steadiness 2”は下方向にブレークアウトしており、下押し圧力は強いと考えられます。

直近の”steadiness 3”では上方でトリプルトップ、下方でダブルボトムを形成しています。


This is 5point change and 3 box reversal close price’s Point and Figure chart.

I think now the market is going 3 kind of steadiness.

And the “steadiness 2” is break out down side; I think now is bearish.

The latest market,”steadiness 3” formed triple top at 865point and double bottom at 825point.

The up side breaking is 865point and the down side breaking point is 825point.



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