TOPIX日足。下方ブレーク。次のサポートは675ポイント/TOPIX (Tokyo stock Price Index) Daily. Down side breaking. The next support is 675 point.

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Today’s analyze is TOPIX (Tokyo stock Price Index) daily.




1. A地点で安値からの45度線のサポートを割り込みました。

2. B地点で再び上値からの45度線のレジスタンスに到達せずに45度線のサポートを割り込み下方ブレークしています。





This is 5point change and 3 box reversal close price’s Point and Figure chart.

We can find a nice example of last day Tokyo gold market report. (See our 11/19/2011 report)

1. The market price cuts the 45 degree support from the lowest. (See “A” point)

2. The market price can not reach the 45 degree resistance from the highest. (See “B” point) And the market price cuts down the support.

The recent market breaks down the 720 point we pointed out last report. (See 11/11/2011 report)

There are two way of thinking.

The target price is 675 point calculated by horizontal method.

The other way, the last move way 7 boxes calculated by vertical method; the market price may return.



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