2012/09/10以降の日中自動車メーカーの株価比較/Comparing the stock price of Chinese and Japanese auto manufacturers after 09/10/2012. /比较了2012年09月10日以后的日中汽车制造厂的股票价格。

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Comparing the stock price of Chinese and Japanese auto manufacturers after 09/10/2012.



2012/10/24の日経新聞の朝刊6面に「点検中国ミクロ景気 不買の代償、縮む生産」という記事が載っていました。






Today, we can see “Checking China’s micro business; compensation of a boycott and shrinking of Production” on the 6th page of the morning paper article of the Nikkei newspaper.

The part of this article says “NISSAN, TOYOTA and HONDA stock price was lowered below ten percent temporarily”.

This is the char of NISSAN, TOYOTA, HONDA, Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd.

We treat as 100% as 09/10/2012 each of closed price and how did it became.

The lowest point of each stock is these; “TOYOTA: 90.02%”,”HONDA: 89.36%”,”NISSAN: 86.36%”,” Dongfeng: 86.23%” and “Guangzhou: 89.53%”.

Despite the article says "It is not as a joint partner”, Honda became lower than Dongfeng or the Guangzhou.

Be sure to verify a newspaper article thoroughly.



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