
東京マーケット円建て金日足・中長期の抵抗帯で値固め/Tokyo market gold calculated in yen (Daily Data). The market price reached the medium-to-long term resistance and now accumulates the next breaking energy.



1枠25 point、3枠転換の終値ポイントアンドフィギュアです。



The gold reached the medium-to-long term resistance and now accumulates the next breaking energy.

4600 yen around exists some target price calculated by “ICHIMOKU” way. (See our 2011/04/08 report)

This is 25 point change and 3 box reversal close price’s Point and Figure chart.

And some short term price targets exist around 4600yen; so now the market price became the steadiness market.

The market price once reached 4700yen around; we still think the target price may reach 5900yen around. (See our 2011/08/08 report)



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